10 Miles - 1:16:12 - 7:38 Pace
This is a pretty cool race. First time running it. I wasn't ready for this race and I knew it, I had run 21 miles on Tuesday, so I was still sore and beat by Saturday morning. I was thinking I might not run and save myself. However, when we showed up to register, I had been seeded at 506, so I got to start with all the studs. I was surrounded by a few Kenyans and some other folks who were a lot faster than myself. This got me pumped up.....too pumped up.
Fairly disappointing race today. Race well above my goal pace, had to walk for two minutes, and just wasn't feeling it. There was the 21 miles I ran Tuesday which killed me, then the fact that I got up late and we were running to the start line. An probably the one that got me the most, starting with all those studs I began the race way too fast.....at about a 6:29 pace, about 25 seconds faster than my goal pace. That lasted for about 3 miles till the hills hit, then I just went down hill from there which ended with me having to walk at miles 8.
I did get to run next to Bill Rogers for a few miles, so that was great, big legend on the Marathon circuit, and starting up with the Kenyans was great, just wish I was a little more prepared. next year I will know what I am getting into and be a little more prepared.