6 Miles
6 Miles - 49.13 - 8:14 Pace
More treadmill time, felt ok today, I didn't eat enough before so I felt a little sluggish, but not bad.
"Discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs tons"
6 Miles - 49.13 - 8:14 Pace
More treadmill time, felt ok today, I didn't eat enough before so I felt a little sluggish, but not bad.
Posted by
Jason Perks
5:41 PM
8 Miles - 1:05:45 - 8:21 Pace
Not a bad run today, could have made 10, but didn't feel like pushing it too much. I like running at the gym in the middle of the day, no one is there.
Posted by
Jason Perks
9:04 PM
14.5 Miles - 2:01:14 - 8:19 Pace
Went into the gym today thinking I might get about 6-8 miles in, my legs were a little sore, especially those tricky hammy's of mine. But once I got to about mile 5, I was feeling great.....I was even thinking about topping my best of 15 Miles on the treadmill. Around 13 though, my knees started hurting a bit, so I didn't want to push it, I was looking to get 15, but stopped just short.
Posted by
Jason Perks
8:13 PM
10 Miles - 82:18 - 8:21 Pace
Just not a fan of running first thing in the morning, indoors or outdoors. My body is just not ready for it. I had to walk for a minute at mile 7, hammy was a little tight, but my whole body was struggling. Started back up and made it to 10, wanted to do a lot more though. Friday I'll get back to it, maybe 15.
Posted by
Jason Perks
11:23 AM
9 Miles - 1:14:02 - 8:22 Pace
Wasn't sure what I was going to run today, or how far, was thinking 6, but I felt good, and I knew I had all night, so I just kept running. When I started to feel my hammy getting close to that point of hurting, I finished off, that mile, mile 9. So, lift some weights tomorrow, and then run 12-15 on Wednesday.
Posted by
Jason Perks
8:24 PM
10 Miles - 1:11:24 - 8:15 Pace
Missed a few days, I was working till 11 PM Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday I had to sleep, so today I was back at it. I actually felt great through 7 miles, then the treadmill stopped for some reason, and about 1/4 miles into starting back up, my hammy hit again.....shoot.
I will take tomorrow off, then I will be doing some outdoor running in Detroit on Saturday morning...should be fun
Posted by
Jason Perks
7:21 PM
6 Miles - 48:46 - 8:14 Pace
6 Treadmill miles today in TC at the Holiday Inn. Not a bad run, I had a few Pringles before the run, so that wasn't helping, but I needed something in my stomach.
Posted by
Jason Perks
7:20 PM
Labels: Training, Traverse City, Treadmill
7 Miles - 57:18 - 8:15 Pace
The snow has stopped, but it's still cold as can be outside. Inside, ran through a smooth 7 miles today, legs were a little sore, hammy didn't put up too much of a fight. I think I will get used to the treadmill thing soon, just wish you could put your own DVD in the treadmill tv.
Posted by
Jason Perks
5:12 PM
15 Miles - 2:02:30 - 8:10 Pace
Treadmill miles are boring :-) 15 of them today, luckily the greatest hits of the 80's were on VH1, so that helped time pass. I was feeling good today, the belt was a little slippery, so I got my first running blister because on my push off my foot was slipping and I ended up on my toes. About mile 10 I could feel my hamstring again, but then at mile 11 my legs were just hurting in general. Wasn't a good feeling, my knees were a little sore, my quads, calves. I guess I haven't gone that far in a while, so it should hurt.......only a few more month on the treadmill.
Posted by
Jason Perks
10:46 PM
8 Miles - 66:00 - 8:15 Pace
More treadmill running, still not used to it. My quads were kinda sore after only 8 miles. Again, hammy, killing me, probably would have done 10 without that pain. Not much to watch today, right as I finished Seinfeld came on, that would have been nice at mile 4 :-) Anywho, getting closer and closer to being over this flu....soon.
Posted by
Jason Perks
7:12 PM
7 Miles - 58:46 - 7:30 Pace
Ok, it's been a bit since I last ran, I got hellishly sick the day after Thanksgiving, not wonder my run that morning was so bad. Some sort of flu that is going around. Anyway, today was the first day I felt decent, so I figured why not run on the treadmill. I was a little fatigued, and my lungs were getting a bit fluidous by the end, not too bad though. Still, the hammy remains king.
Posted by
Jason Perks
5:25 PM